kink diary

about Sing

Get a taste of the guy behind the mildly pretentious website.
me in a dress shirt

Professional Life

I have a bachelor's degree in Finance. After graduating, I worked in Investment Banking (M&A, DCM prior) for a while, before landing a role at my current firm and moving to the Houston area. I'm incredibly passionate about my career, and am on partner track!

My current role involves overseeing operations and strategic initiatives within a division of my company. It requires me to wear a lot of different hats. Despite my busy career, I've managed to balance my professional responsibilities with my personal passions.
  • Sometimes, I have to dress up; other times, I kick back in athleisure and work remotely.
  • Sometimes, I'm the finance guy; other times, I'm the marketer, head of operations, process guy, and "emergency contact."
  • I'm currently undergoing executive coaching, paid for by my firm, and am a member of a notable peer-advisory group here in Houston.
  • I'm constantly learning and evolving, but I'm lucky to already feel very established in my career.

Personal Life

When I'm not at work, I enjoy a variety of hobbies. I'm an avid car enthusiast, love working out, and have a couple of books on my nightstand (or on my Kindle) at any given time. My mornings start with a run, and I lift weights 3-4 times a week. Nonetheless, as an introvert, I like to unwind after a long day with a book, a trashy reality TV show, or by doing some baking!
  • I fell in love with cars during my childhood. Now, I'm finally in a position where I can enjoy that hobby to it's fullest extent. You may catch me at a local "Cars and Coffee" on a Sunday morning, or at MSR Houston on occasion!
  • I've been working out for much of my life. When I turned 13, I began lifting. A year later, I added BJJ/Muay Thai to the regimen. I've been running since that age, as well. Exercise/fitness is one of my biggest passions and de-stressors!
  • I've always been an avid reader, hiding under the sheets late at night with a flashlight and a book as a child. These days, I read a mixture of non-fiction, romance, and sci-fi. My blog contains a reading list, if you search for it!
  • My mother was an artist, and she passed down her love for art to me. I have a (WIP) patchwork leg sleeve of tattoos, attend charity art events when I have the opportunity, and consider myself a very amateur collector at this stage.

The Kinky Bits

My interest in BDSM began as early as my sexual awakening, and has been a pervasive (or, rather, perverted) theme throughout my life. While I've experimented with switching in the past, I've found that submission is ultimately what is most gratifying to me.

Over the past five years, I've had the chance to experience some incredible kinky moments. Take a look at my blog posts for more on this!